Sunday, 28 April 2013


We have had gloriously sunny, warm days in the past couple of weeks and it is safe to declare that the summer has arrived! Even though the weather is still a bit patchy with some rain every now and then, it is not too bad at all. I went for a long walk along the coastal road from Nervi to Quarto one day last week and almost on every single little beach along the way, there were ladies sunbathing in bikinis and families with children playing on the edge of the water. In the city centre of Genoa, tourists have definitely arrived too. The sightseeing buses have started to operate again after the long winter months.
We have been waiting for the summer to begin for another reason too.
A short cold spell did not shock this little cherry tomato seedling too much.
John has taken the opportunity to establish a potted garden on the covered balcony area. He has bought countless packets of seeds (basil, spring onion, chilli, tomato, eggplant...) and lots of compost & soil from the garden shop nearby. We have also invested a small fortune in all kinds of pots.
It has been quite a lot of fun to see how the tiny, tiny seedlings have pushed their way through, reaching for the sun.
The same herbs, salad  and cherry tomatoes are naturally available in the nearest grocery shop 200 metres away with fraction of the price it takes to get the seedlings to grow and survive, but it would not be as much fun to buy a very healthy looking bunch of basil at €1 per small pot... would it?