Monday, 11 February 2013


Yesterday was a glorious, bright and sunny day, quite warm too. So warm in fact, that you could comfortably sit in a cafe at the passegiata in Nervi, read newspapers, chat with friends and enjoy watching  the sea sparkling in the sun.
However, this morning it is a different story altogether.

This was the view from the window at 8 am.
The temperature has dropped to +2 C, but with strong winds coming from the sea, it feels much colder than that. Today has been declared a day to stay inside: the city of Genoa announced yesterday that all schools will be closed because a big snowstorm is expected to hit Liguria today and therefore, everyone is on a "snow alert". During the night the mountains got covered in snow and no doubt it has snowed little bit in Genoa city too.

At noon it started snowing a bit more...

Usually, the snow quickly melts away and there is not even enough to make a snowman! This will probably be the case this time as well, even though people may have to dig out their cars from snow and there is probably some traffic chaos too.

By 5 PM the mountains had become quite a pretty sight.

When I was a child I often wished that school would be cancelled because of a snow storm, but that never happened even though the Finnish winters can be pretty harsh with temperatures well below -20 C in January/February. But on the other hand, we had central heating, snow ploughs and winter coats... no excuses whatsoever to take a day off and stay at home!  


  1. Can you make the photos a larger size when you post them? I thought if I clicked on the photo, it would open up in a bigger window. But it's the same size. I want to SEE the snow. I love SNOW!

  2. Cool! We have already about a meter of snow and that is quite enough.
