Wednesday 20 November 2013


There has been no buses for two full days now. It is still possible to get to town by local train, so it is not a total disaster, but the strikes are affecting everyone who relies on public transport. Usually, a strike is announed in advance and it starts conveniently after 9 am when everyone has been transported to work. The traffic starts flowing again later in the afternoon, so that people can get back home. Not this time. 

The bus strike has not affected local trains, operated by Trenitalia, so it is possible to get to the city center.  But trains do not go as frequently as buses so for many people  that means leaving home earlier and coming back later than usual. 
 The buses have not moved from the depos at all. Yesterday I watched a very noisy and loud demonstration in the city centre of Genoa. Hundreds of people marched towards the offices of the municipality, where the decision to privatise  the public transport provider AMT was being discussed. There were loud bangs and singing, especially when the march reached a tunnel, were the sound was amplified many times over. It sounded like a gun battle - which is wasn't, of course. There is a real fear that jobs will be lost and in this time of very high unemployment, it is a depressing prospect. Hopefully, a solution will be found soon - but in the meanwhile, no bus service in the city. 


  1. Hi Genoagirl, I found your blog among my referrers so I'm here!
    So nice to find a blog written by a foreigner who lives in Genova, I hope your attempt to understand us is successful :)
    I've also seen that you are connected to AIWC so maybe that's the way you found me!
    Have a nice evenining, I'll come back to read your posts!

  2. Hello there! Yes, you are right - I did hear about your blog via AIWC and I do read it regularly. I love Genoa as a city, there is so much to discover here and so far, we have had a great time. I have now learned some Italian which has been a big help too. It is interesting to observe cultural differences and try to understand what makes Italy tick! Thanks a lot for reading my blog and I will certainly keep yours on the "must read" list.
